Happy 2025!!!
2025… my 50th year as a professional musician… well, if I can find a good fit musically… 🙂
As the name implies, I’ll probably do a lot of private reflecting on the last 50 years as I reread the various pages of this site… it’s been a wild ride but I’m really hoping it’s not over yet…
While I’ve enjoyed spending weekends at home with my wife, I REALLY need to be playing in a band full time again!! Unfortunately, all of the bands in the area that musically fall into what I’m looking for already have their ‘time keepers’ in place… and I need to play more than a few times a year… and I’m not ready to return to the tiny, dark bars for handfuls of people who could care less… if I did, I’m sure I’d be miserable the whole time and probably end up walking away which wouldn’t be fair to my bandmates… c’mon 2025 – let’s get this party started!! 🙂

Last summer I took advantage of an empty music room at school where I setup and tuned the kit and tried to do some playing after not touching a stick in over a year… I was pretty rusty but eventually started loosening up… I threw some mics up and a GoPro in case lightning struck (it didn’t – though it did get dark as the day went on as you’ll see in this video)…
It’s taken me months to force myself to sit down and try to mix the kit then blend it with the originals then try to get it all to line up with the GoPro video (and audio)… I need to do this more to get even remotely good at mixing but here are some ‘highlights’ if you can call them that… I started out with some pretty straightforward tunes and eventually got into some more challenging stuff… 🙂
January 18… Tonight I followed through on one of Julie’s Christmas presents – a date night to see Almost Queen at the Troy Music Hall!!
We loved the show and the venue is amazing though it seemed like the sound was shooting over our front row seats and everything lacked some clarity… the show was very good!! They’ve been doing it for 20 years so they have it down pretty well… the Freddy Mercury character did an excellent job with the character and an admirable job with the vocals (there can only be one Freddy Mercury)… while he didn’t go for many of the high notes, his voice was still very powerful and within character and a joy to watch and hear… the drummer was great as well though he way overplayed to be Roger Taylor… 🙂

February… Wow!! Hard to believe it’s February already… No gigs in January but I bowled for the first time in over 50 years (subbing for a couple weeks in a small league with some friends from work)… injured myself both times I subbed… gave up bowling… 🙂 My wrist, fingers and arm are feeling much better after some recovery and a support wrap… now to continue the band search…
March… I got my hopes up… local band looking for a drummer… interesting song list… the only videos I could find were a couple years old and they sounded decent but the website doesn’t list band members which is usually the sign of a revolving door… I’d planned to see them live to get a better feel but of course a winter storm cancelled that… they’d prefer a drummer with an e-kit (electronic drums)… I have my pads that I use for augmentation but am still hesitant to put my faith in total electronics every gig… they have another performance coming up that I might try to catch though some of the places on their schedule are giving me pause… I really want to get back in the groove soon…